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School Counselor

Guidance Program Outline


The mission of the School District of Fairfield County, in partnership with the whole community, is to ensure that each student has the skills to be responsible and successful in a constantly changing, global society by providing on-going opportunities in an atmosphere of excellence. 


Our mission at Fairfield Magnet School for Math & Science is to create a challenging learning environment that encourages the following within a safe, orderly, caring, and supportive environment:


  • high expectations for success through developmentally-appropriate instruction
  • a rigorous curriculum that allows for individual differences and learning styles 
  • an emphasis in Math, Science, and Fine and Performing arts
  • the development of responsible and productive citizens
  • the fostering of each students self-esteem, academic success, and the ability to manage change, and Unity with parents, teachers, students, and community members


The Guidance Program functions to provide a supportive service to the total education process.  Both indirect and direct assistance is provided through specific guidance objectives to include the following:




Activities to include:

  • Registration of students
  • Appropriate scheduling

Dissemination of pertinent school information (student handbook, sexual harassment policy)

Follow- up with teachers regarding student transition


Individual Appraisal


Activities to include:

  • Coordinating statewide testing (SCPASS, SCREADY and MAPS)
  • Provide information on test administration to teachers
  •  Interpret test data to teachers, students, and parents
  • Coordinate and supervise proper placement of test data in students’ cumulative records
  • Honor request for records from other schools, parents, and agencies
  • Arrange parent/teacher conferences upon request or as needed
  • Counsel with individual students regarding academic progress


Individual Counseling


Activities to include:

  • Focus on topics related to personal/social, academic, and career development
  • Counsel with students referred by teachers, administrators, parents/guardians, and students themselves
Small Group Counseling


Activities to include:

  • Organize students into groups of 3 to 8 individuals
  • Assess students to determine need
  • Focus on topics indicated by need assessment survey, teacher referral, or personal observation


Classroom Guidance


Activities to include:

  • Guest speakers
  • Focus on topics related to personal/social, academic, and career development
  •  Field trips




Activities to include:

  • Provide information to address teacher and administrator concerns
  •   Interpret standardized test data to faculty, students, and parents
  • Provide teacher in-service in needed areas, as requested
  • Provide guidance information to teachers for classroom use


Parental Awareness & Involvement


Activities to include:

  • Encourage frequent contacts between home and school
  • Promote an atmosphere which encourages parents to seek information regarding their children
  • Assist with coordinating and conducting parenting workshops
  • Encourage parents to visit the Parenting Resource Center and the School’s Community Center




Activities to include:

  • Referral students to outside agencies, as needed
  • Honor students’, teachers’ and administrators’ referral for student counseling 


                Instructional Materials/ Technology Use


Key Instructional Materials Needed:


  • Student Handbook
  • Brochures
  • Career Books
  • Pen(s)
  • Pencils
  • Paper
  • Counseling Books
  • TV/ DVD
  • Computers with SCOIS
  • Standardized test information
  • Reading resources geared toward working with “at-risk” students



Special Requisition Procedures:       (Give details)


Materials needed would be requested from the supply closet if available.  If items needed are not available, a request will be made to the principal for permission to order.  If permission to order is granted, items will be located in a district approved vendor’s catalog and a purchase orders will be processed through Fairfield Magnet School’s School Bookkeeper.


Materials/supplies provided on a regular basis by the learner are as follows: agenda book, notebook, pencil, pen(s), student handbook, computer programs, and textbooks.


Assessment Procedures/ Student Records

Assessment Procedures:                        Criteria for Assessment:

Surveys                                                         Test Scores

Observation                                                  Evaluation

Classroom participation                              Interest Inventory


Describe your record keeping procedures along with any special interpretation instructions.  Be certain to include a variety of documents such as record/grade book, portfolios, folders, reports, etc.


An academic file is created on each student attending Fairfield Magnet School for Math and Science utilizing a cumulative record folder.  Included in each folder is a copy of the student’s grades, most recent report card, immunizations, career planning record, standardized test scores, and any other pertinent information.


A notebook is kept to document daily activities.


Student conduct and classroom behavior


Rules and consequences relating to student conduct and behavior should be age appropriate and, in all cases possible, stated in positive terms focusing on behaviors rather than students.  Any rules and consequences must conform to state, district, and school policies.  Rules and procedures governing daily, non-instructional, classroom activities should be developed.  These rules and guidelines should promote efficiency and minimize loss of instructional time.



Rules for student conduct:


The rules of conduct for the students are outlined in the student handbook.  The rules will be strictly enforced.


Consequences for violating class and school rules:


The consequences established by teachers and administrators are outlined in the student handbook.


Procedures for Non-Instructional Activities/ Routines:


The procedures are outlined in the faculty handbook.


Provide a summary of how rules and consequences for student conduct will be provided to students and parents.  Include details about how you will communicate to learner the non-instructional routines used in your class.


The parents and students are given an overview of the student handbook.  The handbook is to be reviewed by the parents and students at home in order for them to understand the school’s expectations. 


Referrals are made to the Guidance office by utilizing the Counseling Referral Form or at the request of an administrator.  


School/Home Communication


Communication with parents/guardians is a critical component in the education of your learners.  Special attention should be given to initial presentation of materials pertaining to goals, expectations for student learning, plans for instruction, assessment, and rules for student behavior and suggestions for supporting education at home.  School/Home communications should also include periodic reports as they relate to student achievement, instructional units, assessments, and evaluations of student progress.


A copy of the school handbook is sent home for parents to review with their children.  Included in the handbook are the discipline and attendance policy.    


Students will be referred to the Guidance office as needed.


The school counselor will be available for parent/ teacher conferences to inform parents of student’s progress.  Transcripts, report cards, and other data will be available to show student progress.


Home visits will be conducted with the School Social Worker as needed.